I've been in New York for two weeks. This is a nice place, especially near Columbia University. Accepting a lots blessings, I'm here with excitements and expectations. Since I was here, many friends have asked me, "Is it fun in New York? " In fact, I have no idea how to answer this question. Because I'm here to live. Live, not just to have fun. Enjoy my life. It's a whole new life.

Until now, everything goes well. I've settled down for a short time. I took the EPT, participated in the orientation hold by ISSO, and tried to walk around my apartment. My apartment is very big, and my bedroom is quite spacious. It's really comfortable. I've met my roommate, Liza. She comes from Washington DC. I think I'm so lucky that my roommate is an American. I can practice English with her. In the following week, there will be some more orientations. Facing many language disorders, I'm striving toward my goals.

So, it's time to introduce my new school, Columbia University.

Columbia University* at Broadway Av & 116th St
   Wathet blue
 is its symbolic color*

This campus is full of beautiful sunshine, greens, and great architectures*
   My Future* My Dream
                                                    *Just go ahead, I'm here to live, in NY


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