Hello Philly! Hello Joann!   Feb. 21 Sunny day

Getting tired of school works and feelings of homesick, I think it's time to go out of New York. Take a small trip, and gain energy to keep going on. Therefore, I made up my mind to visit UPenn and Joann this weekend.

Saturday was a sunny day. It proved that I'm not a raining girl anymore. ha
Joann and me went to the Liberty Bell. I was quite interested in its history and its famous crack. Out of my expectation, the Liberty Bell is not very huge and with common looks.

In the afternoon, we went to have famous Philly cheese steaks. It was really funny because we had TWO, and we went to have dinner right after these two cheese steaks! How pig we were! Today was one of Joann's friends' birthday. I met a lot of her friends, most of them are from Taiwan. Only one is from Japan. It's really fun to meet people from Taiwan out of New York. The people there are very different from those in Columbia Univ. I have no idea how to explain, it's just a feeling. But I felt comfortable to get along with them.

Two-day trip, it's really short. I just tried to enjoy the different environment and found something new. Meeting old friends in Philly is really good. It's a pity that on the next day when I was leaving, it was raining, and I couldn't see all the beauty of UPenn. The distance between New York and Philly is just as long as between Taipei and Tainan. It only takes me two hours to get there. I know I will go there again someday!

2/21 2009 PhillyG好久不見


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