In Columbia University, there is no classes in EE department on Friday.
It seems usual that they have three days off on the weekends.

Today is Friday, but almost everyone of us has a class, such as a recitation or a make-up.
What's the world! Today is Friday, okay?
Everything should stop and let us take a break.

I miss Taiwan. Technologically, I miss the Chinese surrounding.
I hate I have to speak in English, and I hate myself I'm afraid of speaking English.
What's going on with me?
I just feel tired, and sometimes it's quite easier to lost confidence than to get.
I have a lot of homework, Solid State HW due on Monday, Photonic HW due on Tue,
EM Device HW due on Wed, and Analog HW due on Thursday.
And I always finish my homework just in time.

The loading becomes heavier and heavier.
I'm afraid I can't handle it well.

Sometimes I think I'm lucky, because I have so many Taiwanese as classmates and friends.
But is it really a good thing for me? I'm not sure at all.

I know I have to try to get along with foreigners more, especially those who speaks English.
Of course, I'll be crazy if I can't discuss academic problems in Chinese.

But it would force me to speak and listen.

However, I can't image the kind of life that I were the only one who speak Chinese here.
I think I would become silent if there is no Taiwaneses around me. I'd just talk when I have to.
I know I have to know more friends. But, it's hard for me now.
It isn't the right time to be a social guy. It will exhaust me out.

It's a totally different life here.
Pressures come from not only the school works, but also the language, and life.
What's more, all of us consider the future all the time.
I want to take an intern in the summer vacation, and I have to start to prepare now.
Isn't it too early? It's just out of my control. I just plan to do this durning the winter vacation.
Everything is going far away. Life is messing up.
I'm always running with time.



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